Crate libhealth

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Welcome to Health’s docs! Health is a health tracking app for the GNOME desktop.

This documentation should help you get started with Health’s structs and functions. To make the start a bit easier, let me explain some basics about Health:

  • Health’s source is split into multiple directories to make working with the many source files a bit easier:
    • core: This directory contains core modules of Health that are used throughout the application, like the Settings struct that’s used for retrieving GSettings values.
    • model: This directory contains the data types of Health. Things like Activity, which holds data about a single activity live here.
    • plugins: This directory contains plugins, which provide additional views and data sources for Health. See the Plugin trait for more information on how to implement your own Plugin
    • sync: The code for synching with third party providers (e.g. Google Fit) or exporting/importing data lies here.
    • [views}(crate::views): This directory contains views. These are complete views containing multiple widgets, like a ViewAddActivity.
    • [widgets}(crate::widgets): Widgets are smaller, reusable parts of Health’s UI, e.g the BmiLevelBar is contained in this module.
    • (windows)crate::windows: This directory contains actual windows, like the main Window or the PreferencesWindow.
  • Health has a rather strict code style to make sure working with the sourcecode is easy:
    • Please make sure cargo fmt and cargo clippy are happy with any changes you do. CI will also run these tests when creating new merge requests.
    • Please make sure your subclasses roughly follow this structure:
      mod my_struct {
          use gtk::glib::{subclass::prelude::*, self};
          // This is your struct to do GObject subclassing.
          // No additional logic should be implemented here.
          mod imp {
              use gtk::glib::{subclass::{self, prelude::*}, self};
              #[derive(Default, Debug)]
              pub struct MyStruct {}
              impl ObjectSubclass for MyStruct {
                  const NAME: &'static str = "MyStruct";
                  type ParentType = glib::Object;
                  type Type = super::MyStruct;
              impl ObjectImpl for MyStruct {}
          // This is your public struct, that can be used in other modules / ui XML etc.
          glib::wrapper! {
              pub struct MyStruct(ObjectSubclass<imp::MyStruct>);
          // Actual logic goes here.
          impl MyStruct {}
    • Please order functions in the following order to make it easy to find functions:
      • pub functions first, sorted alphabetically
      • private functions afterwards, also sorted alphabetically
    • Try only having one (public) GObject class per file and name the file after the public class. That way it’s easy to find classes in the folder structure.
    • Personally, I prefer to not use gtk and other GObject crates, but you do you.

