Welcome to squeekboard's documentation! ======================================= Introduction ------------ *Squeekboard* is the on-screen keyboard for Phosh. It is primarily designed for smartphones, tablet-PCs, and other devices with touchscreens. Building -------- For information about building Squeekboard, read the [README](README.md). Layouts ------- Squeekboard can [load user-provided keyboard-layouts](layouts.md#using-custom-layouts). Those can be created and used without recompiling the keyboard code. The [tutorial](tutorial.md) explains the process in detail. Layouts are created using a [text-based format, based on YAML](layouts.md). ### Views Squeekboard layouts are separated into *views* and use a *room metaphor* to [switch views](views.md). Contributions ------------- Anyone is free to modify *squeekboard*. See the [contributing document](hacking.md). ### Code documentation To expose the structure of Squeekboard in detail, there's a [code reference](https://world.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/Phosh/squeekboard/doc/rs/).