The Container Objects

Container objects represent folders in a DMS. In order to manipulate a container object one first needs to discover its path. This can be done by calling one of the List or Search methods implemented by the server object or another container object. Note that a server object is also a container object so a container object can be constructed by using a server’s D-Bus object path.

Container objects support two interfaces: org.gnome.MediaObject2 and org.gnome.MediaContainer2. Both of these interfaces have been described in detail in the server object.

An example of how container objects can be used is given in the following function.

def tree(server_path, level=0):
    bus = dbus.SessionBus()
    container = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(
                '', server_path),
    objects = container.ListChildren(0, 0, ["DisplayName", "Path", "Type"])
    for props in objects:
        print " " * (level * 4) + ( props["DisplayName"] +
                                    " : (" + props["Path"]+ ")")
        if props["Type"] == "container":
            tree(props["Path"], level + 1)

When given the path of a container, and this could be a server object which acts as a root container, it recursively prints the contents of that container in depth first order. For example, to dump the entire contents of the My Media server introduced above, one would simply need to invoke tree(“/com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/3”).