The Server Objects

dleyna-server-service exposes a separate D-Bus object for each DMS it detects on the LAN. These objects serve two purposes.

1. They allow the client to retrieve information about the DMS, such as its name, the URL of its icon, its manufacturer, etc. 2. They represent the root container of the DMS allowing clients to search and browse the DMSs contents.

Each server object exposes three separate interfaces:


  2. org.gnome.MediaObject2

  3. org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2


The interface currently exposes 8 methods:

UploadToAnyContainer(s DisplayName, s FilePath) -> (u UploadId, o ObjectPath)

UploadToAnyContainer allows a client to upload a local file to a DMS. The DMS chooses the best place to store the file based on the file’s type. DisplayName is the friendly name the DMS should associate with the file and FilePath is a full path to the file. The successful completion of this method indicates that the upload has begun, but has not necessarily finished. There are two return values. The UploadId, which can be used to monitor the progress of the upload and to cancel it and ObjectPath, which contains the path of the newly created object.

CreateContainerInAnyContainer(s DisplayName, s TypeEx, as ChildTypes) -> o ObjectPath

Creates a new container. The DMS chooses the best place to create this new container. DisplayName is the name of the new container, TypeEx is the extended type and ChildTypes is an array of extended types that can be stored in the new folder, e.g., [‘video’,’container’]. A special value of [‘*’] indicates that no restriction is placed on the types of objects that can be stored in the container. The path of the newly created object is returned.

GetUploadStatus(u UploadId) -> (s UploadStatus, t Length, t Total)

GetUploadStatus returns the current status of an upload previously started by a call to Upload or UploadToAnyContainer. Clients should pass in the UploadId they received as a return value from either of these two functions. This method returns three pieces of information.

  1. UploadStatus, indicating the status of the upload. Four separate values are possible. “IN_PROGRESS”, “CANCELLED”, “ERROR”, “COMPLETED”

  2. Length, indicating the number of bytes that have been transferred so far.

  3. Total, indicating the total size of the upload.

Clients can call GetUploadStatus to retrieve the status of an upload up to 30 seconds after the specified upload has finished.

The only exception to this rule is if the DMS to which the file is being uploaded shuts down or disappears from the UPnP network. If this happens all active uploads to this DMS will be cancelled and the Device object representing this DMS will disappear. As the Device object is no longer available, clients cannot call GetUploadStatus to determine the status of their uploads. Clients that initiate uploads should listen for the LostServer signal. They should assume that any uploads to a DMS that were in progress when this signal is received for that DMS, have been cancelled.

GetUploadIDs() -> (au UploadIDs)

GetUploadIDs returns an array containing the IDs of all the outstanding upload tasks. An empty array will be returned if no uploads are in progress on the current device. As with GetUploadStatus, the IDs of upload tasks will be returned by GetUploadIDs for 30 seconds after the uploads have finished.

CancelUpload(u UploadId) -> void

Cancels the upload identified by UploadId. This function has no effect if the upload has already completed, i.e., its status is set to COMPLETED.

Cancel() -> void

Cancels all requests a client has outstanding on that server.

GetIcon(s RequestedMimeType, s Resolution) -> (ay Bytes, s MimeType)

Returns the device icon bytes and mime type according to the RequestedMimeType and Resolution parameters.

Both, RequestedMimeType and Resolution parameters, are currently reserved for future use and should be set as an empty string.

BrowseObjects(ao ObjectPath, as Filter) -> aa{sv}

This method returns properties of all media objects specified by the first parameter. The list of properties to return is specified by the second parameter. The format and the behaviour of this array is identical to the filter argument passed to the Search and List functions.

The result is an array of property name+value dictionaries, one for each object specified in the first argument.

In case of even a single ‘Invalid path’ in ObjectPath parameter, the function will fail and return an error.

In case of ‘Invalid ID’, the function will succeed, and an ‘Error’ property will be set for this object.

We guarantee that the number of elements of the result array is the same and in the same order as the ObjectPath array.

The purposes of this method are:

  1. It allows applications to easily retrieve information about unrelated objects in one call.

  2. It should be used in preference to GetAll, if an application wishes to retrieve a subset of an object’s properties. Browse is likely to be more efficient than GetAll in such cases.

Wake() -> void

Sends a magic packet to the server to wake it up if it is in sleeping state.


The interface exposes information about the DMS via a number of D-Bus properties. These properties are described below:



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The UPnP type of the device, e.g., urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1




The Unique Device Name of the server.




The Unique Device Name of the root device, if the server is a sub-device.




The friendly name of the media server.




A URL pointing to an icon that graphically identifies the server




A string identifying the manufacturer of the server




A URL pointing to the manufacturer’s web site.




A description of the server.




The model name of the server.




The server’s version number




The server’s serial number




The presentation URL of the server, i.e., a link to it’s HTML management interface.




Represents the device capabilities as announced in the device description file via the dlna:X_DLNACAP element. 2




List of property names that can be used in search queries. A wildcard (“*”) indicates that the device supports search queries using any property name(s). Empty if not supported by the device.




List of property names that can be used to sort Search() or Browse() action results. A wildcard (“*”) indicates that the device supports sorting using all property names. Empty if not supported by the device.




List of sort modifiers that can be used to sort Search() or Browse() results. Empty if not supported by the device.




Each element in the FeatureList array represents a feature supported by the DMS. Each feature contains three pieces of information, a name, a version number and an array of object paths that can clients can use to take advantage of the feature. There are three standardized feature names, BOOKMARK, EPG and TUNER.




A string containing the current service reset token of the server.




An integer value that is incremenented every time changes are made to the DMS.




An boolean value which represents the server sleeping state.

All of the above properties are static with the sole exception of SystemUpdateID. A org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal is emitted when this property changes.


The interface also exposes three signals.

Changed (aa{sv} ChangedObjects)

The Changed signal is generated by servers to provide precise information of changes that have taken place to their content. Changed is useful for synchronisation controllers. It allows them to dynamically update their local cache of the server’s content. This signal contains an array of zero or more dictionary elements, each of which represents a change to a specific object. The dictionary is composed of the following keys:



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Contains the Type of the notification:
  • (ADD) an object has been added

  • (MOD) an object has been modified

  • (DEL) an object has been deleted

  • (DONE) an update to a sub-tree has completed

  • (CONTAINER) a container has been updated




Contains the Object Path property of the object that was changed.




ContainerUpdateID or SystemUpdateID when the object was changed.




True if the object was added as part of a subtree update.




Contains the Object Path property of the parent container of the changed object.




Contains the value of the TypeEx property (converted upnp:class property) of the object that was changed.




Contains the value of the Type property (converted upnp:class property) of the object that was changed.

ContainerUpdateIDs(a(ou) ContainerPathsIDs)

Is generated when the contents of one or more folders maintained by the server have changed. This signal contains an array of paths/ContainerUpdateID of the server containers that have changed.

UploadUpdate(u UploadId, s UploadStatus, Length t, Total t)

Is generated when an upload completes, fails or is cancelled. The first parameter is the ID of the upload. The second contains one of three values, “CANCELLED”, “COMPLETED”, “ERROR”, indicating whether the upload was cancelled, completed successfully or failed, respectively. The third parameter indicates the total amount of bytes that were uploaded and the fourth, the size of the file being uploaded.


Here is some example code in python that enumerates all the media servers present on the network and prints their names and the paths of the D-Bus objects that represent them, to the screen.

import dbus

bus = dbus.SessionBus()
manager = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object('',
for path in manager.GetServers():
    server = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(
            '', path),
    folderName = server.Get("", "DisplayName")
    print '{0:<30}{1:<30}'.format(folderName , path)

Running this code on a LAN with 3 DMSs produces the following output:

My Media                      /com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/3
Root                          /com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/1
Test Streams                  /com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/4


Additional Methods

Delete() -> void

Delete will simply call the UPnP DestroyObject method on the relevant server side object. Note that calling Delete on the root object of a server will delete all the contents on the server but not the device object itself.

Update(a{sv} ToAddUpdate, as ToDelete) -> void

Updates the meta data of an existing DMS object. It is based on the MediaServerAv UpdateObject command. ToAddUpdate is a dictionary of property name value pairs that are to be updated, or added if they do not already exist. ToDelete is an array of properties to be deleted. The same property cannot appear in both ToAddUpdate and ToDelete. Only the following properties can be updated: ‘Date’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘Artists’, ‘Album’, ‘TypeEx’, ‘TrackNumber’.

GetMetaData() -> s

Returns the object meta data information in DIDL-Lite XML format. This is useful when writing Digital Media Controllers. The controllers can pass this information to the DMR which can use it to determine the server side streaming options for the object. New in v0.0.2.

Additional Values for the Type Property

The org.gnome.MediaObject2 interface exposes some basic properties of the server’s root directory. This interface is described MediaServer2Spec specification [MS2S]. dleyna-server-service enhances this interface by adding new properties and methods and by defining additional values for the Type property.

The MediaServer2Spec Type property can be set to one of only seven possible values: ‘container’, ‘video’, ‘’, ‘audio’, ‘music’, ‘image’ or ‘’.

This causes a number of problems for dLeyna-server. First, there is only one value for container, so it is not possible to indicate if the container is an album or a playlist, for instance. Secondly, there is no way to represent an item that is not an audio, video or image item, such as a generic item (UPnP class of object.item) or a playlist item.

dLeyna-server solves these two different problems in two ways:

  • It provides a new property called TypeEx, which provides extended type information. TypeEx is a superset of Type, providing specific values of object types that are not supported by Type. For example, for an album, Type will be container but TypeEx will be set to container.album.musicAlbum.

  • It provides a new catch all value for Type, item.unclassified. item.unclassified means that the object is an item but it is not an audio, video, or image item, e.g.,a generic item or a playlist item. The actual type of the item is stored in TypeEx. item.unclassified may be specified as a value for the Type property in searches. In such cases it is treated as the UPnP type object.item.

Adding an additional value to MediaServer2Spec’s Type property breaks our compliance with this spec a little, but it was necessary to achieve UPnP certification.

Additional Properties



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A dictionary of boolean values indicating the values of the various DLNA managed attributes. There are 5 keys: Upload, CreateContainer, Delete, UploadDelete, ChangeMeta




Indicates whether the object is modifiable.




Indicates an entity that owns the content or is primarily responsible for creating the content.




Represents a last-modified timestamp for the object relative to the SystemUpdateID state variable.




The extended Type of the object. TypeEx permits a superset of the values supported by the Type property. When the Type of an object is accurately described by Type, i.e., the object is a basic container or is an image, audio, or video file, TypeEx = Type. For objects where this is not the case, e.g., an album, the TypeEx value is formed by removing the “object.” prefix from the UPnP class. For example, the TypeEx value for the UPnP class, object.container.playlistContainer is container.playlistContainer.

New in version 0.2.0.


The org.gnome.MediaContainer2 interface exposes some additional properties of the root directory. It also provides methods that can be used by clients to perform a recursive search on the root directory and to retrieve a list of its children. The org.gnome.MediaContainer2 interface is documented in the MediaServer2Spec (3). However, dleyna-server-service’s implementation of org.gnome.MediaContainer2 differs slightly from the specification. These differences can be grouped into two categories: unsupported properties and new methods.

Unsupported Properties

The properties org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2.ItemCount and org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2.ContainerCount are not implemented as there is no way to efficiently implement these properties in dleyna-server-service.

In addition, org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2.Icon is not supported either as its implementation is really complicated, requiring the creation of virtual objects. Furthermore, it cannot be properly implemented in dleyna-server-service as the UPnP servers do not provide us with enough information to populate the mandatory properties for these virtual objects. Nevertheless, clients can retrieve a URL that points to a server’s icon via the property IconURL.

Please note that none of these unsupported properties are mandatory, so their absence does not affect dleyna-server-service’s compatibility with MediaServer2Spec.

Additional properties unsupported by org.gnome.MediaContainer2



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The CreateClasses property is an array of tuples (sb) that lists the extended types of objects that that can be created in a container. A boolean value is associated with each type. This boolean indicates whether objects of types derived from the specified extended type can also be created in this container. For example, (“container.album.”,”true”) would indicate that objects of type container.album, and can be created in the container.




Contains the value of the SystemUpdateID state variable generated by the most recent container modification for that container




Contains the total number of child objects that have been deleted from a container object since the last initialization




Returns the set of resources associated with a container. New in v0.0.2

DLNAConversion DLNAFlags DLNAOperation DLNAProfile MIMEType Size UpdateCount URLs

a{sb} a{sb} a{sb} s s x u as

o o o o o o o o

See “Container properties” paragraph below. New in v0.0.2

Container properties

Each container may expose one or more resources via the Resources property. Each resource typically represents a playlist, containing references (often URLs) to the container’s media items. Multiple resources may be specified for a single container as the DMS may support different playlist formats, e.g., M3U, DIDL-S, etc. The properties of one of these resources may be duplicated directly in the Container object itself. The algorithm for selecting this resource is given in the section “Transcoding and org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2”. In MediaItem2 section also, you will find the definition for these properties in Resources/Additional properties.

New Methods

Eight new methods have been added. These methods are:

Extended versions of existing methods

  • ListChildrenEx(u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> aa{sv}

  • ListItemsEx(u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> aa{sv}

  • ListContainersEx(u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> aa{sv}

  • SearchObjectsEx(s Query, u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> (aa{sv}u)

The first four methods are identical in function and behaviour to existing the MediaServer2Spec functions ListChildren, ListItems, ListContainers, and SearchObjects, with the exception that they take one extra parameter, and in the case of SearchObjectsEx, return an extra result.

This extra parameter allows clients to specify a sort order for the returned items. It is a string that specifies a comma separated list of PropertyNames, identifying the order in which returned items should be sorted. Each property name can be preceded with a ‘-’ or a ‘+’ to indicate descending or ascending order respectively. An example, is “+Date,-DisplayName”, which will sort the return items first by date in ascending order and then by name in descending order. White space is not permitted in this string.

The return signature of SearchObjectsEx is (aa{sv}u). Note the extra integer return value after the dictionary of objects. This integer contains the total number of items matching the specified search as opposed to the total number of objects contained in the returned dictionary of objects. These two values may differ if the client has used the Offset and Max parameters to request a portion of the total results returned, because for example its screen is only capable of displaying 20 objects at any one time. Knowing the total number of objects that match a search is useful for applications. It allows them to inform the user as to the total number of matches and to correctly compute the scrollbars of the list displaying the found items.

A small Python function is given below to demonstrate how these new methods may be used. This function accepts one parameter, a path to a D-Bus container object, and it prints out the names of all the children of that object in descending order.

def list_children(server_path):
    bus = dbus.SessionBus()
    container = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(
                '', path),
    objects = container.ListChildrenEx(0, 0, ['DisplayName'], "-DisplayName")
    for item in objects:
        for key, value in item.iteritems():
            print '{0:<30}{1:<30}'.format(key, value)

The output of this function might look something like this:

DisplayName                   Videos
DisplayName                   Pictures
DisplayName                   Music
DisplayName                   Files & Folders

when the server_path parameter contains the path of a server object.

Methods with no direct counterpart in the original interface

  • Upload(s DisplayName, s FilePath) -> (u UploadId, o ObjectPath)

  • CreateContainer(s DisplayName, s TypeEx, as ChildTypes) -> o ObjectPath

  • CreateReference(o ObjectPath) -> o ObjectPath

  • GetCompatibleResources(s protocol_info, as filter) -> a{sv}

The fifth new method, Upload, allows clients to upload a local file to the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2 object upon which it was executed. It is identical in function and behavior to with the sole exception that Upload allows the client to specify the server-side container into which the file is to be uploaded whereas UploadToAnyContainer leaves it up to the server to determine the most suitable location for the file.

The CreateContainer method creates a new child container. DisplayName is the name of the new container, TypeEx is the extended type and ChildTypes is an array of extended types that can be stored in the new folder, e.g., [‘video’,’container’]. A special value of [‘*’] indicates that no restriction is placed on the types of objects that can be stored in the container. The path of the newly created object is returned.

The CreateReference method creates a reference in the container to the object identified by the ObjectPath parameter. This method returns the D-Bus path of the newly created reference. CreateReference is useful when creating server side playlists. CreateContainer can be used to create a new playlist, and CreateReference can be used to add items to that playlist.

The GetCompatibleResources method: see description in MediaItem2.