Function compile_unstable_poll_results

pub fn compile_unstable_poll_results<'a>(
    poll: &'a UnstablePollStartContentBlock,
    responses: impl IntoIterator<Item = PollResponseData<'a>>,
    end_timestamp: Option<MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch>,
) -> IndexMap<&'a str, BTreeSet<&'a UserId>>
Available on crate feature unstable-msc3381 only.
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Generate the current results with the given unstable poll and responses.

If the end_timestamp is provided, any response with an origin_server_ts after that timestamp is ignored. If it is not provided, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now() will be used instead.

This method will handle invalid responses, or several response from the same user so all responses to the poll should be provided.

Returns a map of answer ID to a set of user IDs that voted for them. When using .iter() or .into_iter() on the map, the results are sorted from the highest number of votes to the lowest.