Phoc – 0
Phone Compositor
Version | 0.45.0 |
Authors | The Phosh Developers |
License | GPL-3.0-or-later |
Website | |
Source | |
Related libraries
wlroots | Modular Wayland compositor library |
Browse documentation | |
GLib | General-purpose, portable utility library |
Browse documentation | |
GObject | The base type system library |
Browse documentation | |
GIO | GObject Interfaces and Objects, Networking, IPC, and I/O |
Browse documentation |
CairoTexture | |
ColorRect |
A colored rectangle to be drawn by the compositor. |
Cursor | |
CutoutsOverlay |
An overlay texture to render a devices cutouts. |
DebugControl |
DBus Debug control interface. |
Desktop |
Desktop singleton. |
DeviceState |
Device state protocol:. |
Gesture |
GestureDrag |
A drag gesture. |
GestureSingle |
A single touch (or mouse) gesture. |
GestureSwipe |
GestureZoom |
A zoom gesture. |
Input |
PhocInput handles new input devices and seats. |
InputDevice |
Abstract base class for input device like pointers or touch. |
Keybindings |
Keybindings stored in gsettings. |
Keyboard |
A keyboard input device. |
LayerShellEffects |
Additional effects for layer surfaces. |
LayerSurface |
A Layer surface backed by the wlr-layer-surface wayland protocol. |
LayoutTransaction |
Track configures from layer surfaces and emit a signal when all of them have committed new matching buffers. |
Output |
The output region of a compositor (typically a monitor). |
OutputShield |
A shield that covers a whole |
PhoshPrivate |
Private protocol to interface with phosh. |
Pointer |
A pointer input device. |
PropertyEaser |
Eases properties of a given object. |
Renderer |
The renderer. |
Seat |
Represents a seat. |
Server |
The server singleton. |
Spinner |
An animated spinner, used to represent indeterminate progress. It is rendered as a |
Subsurface |
A subsurface attached to a |
Surface |
A Wayland wl_surface backed by a wlr_surface. |
Switch |
A switch device. E.g. a tablet mode switch or laptop lid switch. |
Tablet |
A tablet input device. |
TimedAnimation |
An animation that ends after the given period of time. |
Touch |
A touch input device. |
View |
A |
ViewChild |
A child of a |
ViewDeco |
The decoration for views using server side decorations. |
XdgPopup |
A popup as defined in the xdg-shell protocol. |
XdgSurface |
An xdg toplevel surface as defined in the xdg-shell protocol. For
popups see |
XWaylandSurface |
An XWayland Surface. |
Animatable |
Something that can be animated. |
Bling |
A |
ChildRoot |
Implementations of the |
AlphaLayerSurface |
A layer surface with translusency. |
Box |
Color |
Config | |
DebugDamageRegion | |
DraggableLayerSurface |
A draggable layer surface. |
DragIcon |
The icon used during drag and drop operations. |
Event |
Input events. |
EventSequence |
GtkShell |
A minimal implementation of gtk_shell1 protocol. |
GtkSurface |
A surface in the gtk_shell1 protocol. |
IdleInhibit |
Forward idle inhibit to gnome-session. |
InputMethodRelay |
The relay structure manages the relationship between text-input and input_method interfaces on a given seat. |
KeyCombo |
A combination of modifiers and a key describing a keyboard shortcut. |
Mode | |
OutputConfig | |
OutputModeConfig | |
PointerConstraint | |
RenderContext | |
SeatView |
Structure used by |
StackedLayerSurface |
Layer surface stacking. |
TabletPad | |
TabletTool | |
TouchPoint |
A touch point tracked compositor side. |
XdgToplevelDecoration |
AnimationState | |
AnimDir | |
CursorMode |
The mode of the cursor. |
DraggableSurfaceState |
Drag states of a draggable surface (e.g. a |
Easing | |
EventFlags |
Flags for the |
EventSequenceState |
Describes the state of a |
EventType |
Types of events. |
OutputScaleFilter | |
PhoshPrivateShellState | |
StackedSurfacePos | |
SwitchState |
State of a switch (e.g. a tablet mode or lid switch). |
TouchpadGesturePhase |
The phase of a touchpad gesture event. All gestures are guaranteed to
begin with an event of type |
ViewCorner | |
ViewState |
FrameCallback |
Callback type for adding a function to update animations. See phoc_animatable_add_frame_callback(). |
SurfaceIterator |
The iterator function that is invoked by the different iterators
like |
handle_layer_shell_surface | |
handle_output_manager_apply | |
handle_output_manager_test | |
handle_virtual_keyboard | |
handle_virtual_pointer | |
handle_xdg_shell_toplevel | |
handle_xdg_toplevel_decoration | |
layer_shell_arrange |
Arrange the layer surfaces on the given output. |
layer_shell_find_osk |
Checks whether the given |
layer_shell_update_focus | |
layer_shell_update_osk |
When a layer surface gets focus and there’s an OSK we need to make sure the OSK is above that layer as otherwise keyboard input isn’t possible. This can be used to adjust the OSKs layer accordingly. |
lerp |
Computes the linear interpolation between unstable since: 1.0 |
maybe_set_cursor | |
parse_accelerator |
Parse strings representing keybindings into modifier and symbols. |
utils_compute_scale |
Compute a suitable output scale based on the physical size and resolution. |
utils_fix_transform | |
utils_is_damaged | |
utils_scale_box |
Scales the passed in box by scale. |
utils_wlr_surface_enter_output | |
utils_wlr_surface_leave_output | |
utils_wlr_surface_update_scales | |
xdg_activation_v1_handle_request_activate |
Function Macros
Returns a pointer to the instance containing the instance private
data |
Returns an untyped pointer to the instance containing the instance
private data |