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  • action πŸ”’
    The symbol object, defining actions that the key can do when activated
  • Actors are parts of Squeekboard containing state independent from the main application state.
  • animation πŸ”’
    Animation details
  • Combined module for dealing with layout files
  • drawing πŸ”’
    Drawing the UI
  • event_loop πŸ”’
    The loop abstraction for driving state changes. It binds to the state tracker in state::Application, and actually gets driven by a driver in the driver module.
  • Order floating point numbers, into this ordering:
  • Manages zwp_input_method_v2 protocol.
  • keyboard πŸ”’
    State of the emulated keyboard and keys. Regards the keyboard as if it was composed of switches.
  • layout πŸ”’
    Layout-related data.
  • locale πŸ”’
    Locale-specific functions.
  • logging πŸ”’
    Logging library.
  • main πŸ”’
    Glue for the main loop.
  • outputs πŸ”’
    Managing Wayland outputs
  • panel πŸ”’
    Panel state management.
  • popover πŸ”’
    The layout chooser popover
  • receiver πŸ”’
    Defines the application-wide message bus for updating state.
  • Statically linked resources. This could be done using GResource, but that would need additional work.
  • state πŸ”’
    Application-wide state is stored here. It’s driven by the loop defined in the loop module.
  • style πŸ”’
    CSS data loading.
  • submission πŸ”’
    Managing the state of text input in the application.
  • Testing functionality
  • Assorted helpers
  • vkeyboard πŸ”’
    Managing the events belonging to virtual-keyboard interface.
  • xdg πŸ”’
    XDG directory handling.