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/* Copyright (C) 2021 Purism SPC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
/*! The loop abstraction for driving state changes.
* It binds to the state tracker in `state::Application`,
* and actually gets driven by a driver in the `driver` module.
* * * *
* If we performed updates in a tight loop,
* the state tracker would have been all we need.
* ``
* loop {
* event = current_event()
* outcome = update_state(event)
* io.apply(outcome)
* }
* ``
* This is enough to process all events,
* and keep the window always in sync with the current state.
* However, we're trying to be conservative,
* and not waste time performing updates that don't change state,
* so we have to react to events that end up influencing the state.
* One complication from that is that animation steps
* are not a response to events coming from the owner of the loop,
* but are needed by the loop itself.
* This is where the rest of bugs hide:
* too few scheduled wakeups mean missed updates and wrong visible state.
* Too many wakeups can slow down the process, or make animation jittery.
* The loop iteration is kept as a pure function to stay testable.
pub mod driver;
use std::cmp;
use std::time::{ Duration, Instant };
/// Carries the incoming data to affect the actor state,
/// plus an event to help schedule timed events.
pub trait Event: Clone {
fn new_timeout_reached(when: Instant) -> Self;
/// Returns the value of the reached timeout, if this event carries the timeout.
fn get_timeout_reached(&self) -> Option<Instant>;
/// The externally observable state of the actor.
pub trait Outcome {
type Commands;
/// Returns the instructions to emit in order to change the current visible state to the desired one.
fn get_commands_to_reach(&self, desired: &Self) -> Self::Commands;
/// Contains and calculates the intenal state of the actor.
pub trait ActorState: Clone {
type Event: Event;
type Outcome: Outcome;
/// Returns the new internal state after the event gets processed.
fn apply_event(self, e: Self::Event, time: Instant) -> Self;
/// Returns the observable state of the actor given this internal state.
fn get_outcome(&self, time: Instant) -> Self::Outcome;
/// Returns the next wake up to schedule if one is needed.
/// This may be called at any time, so should always return the correct value.
fn get_next_wake(&self, now: Instant) -> Option<Instant>;
/// This keeps the state of the tracker loop between iterations
struct State<S> {
state: S,
scheduled_wakeup: Option<Instant>,
last_update: Instant,
impl<S> State<S> {
fn new(initial_state: S, now: Instant) -> Self {
Self {
state: initial_state,
scheduled_wakeup: None,
last_update: now,
/// A single iteration of the loop, updating its persistent state.
/// - updates tracker state,
/// - determines outcome,
/// - determines next scheduled animation wakeup,
/// and because this is a pure function, it's easily testable.
/// It returns the new state, and the message to send onwards.
fn handle_event<S: ActorState>(
mut loop_state: State<S>,
event: S::Event,
now: Instant,
) -> (State<S>, <S::Outcome as Outcome>::Commands) {
// Calculate changes to send to the consumer,
// based on publicly visible state.
// The internal state may change more often than the publicly visible one,
// so the resulting changes may be no-ops.
let old_state = loop_state.state.clone();
let last_update = loop_state.last_update;
loop_state.state = loop_state.state.apply_event(event.clone(), now);
loop_state.last_update = now;
let new_outcome = loop_state.state.get_outcome(now);
let commands = old_state.get_outcome(last_update)
// Timeout events are special: they affect the scheduled timeout.
loop_state.scheduled_wakeup = match event.get_timeout_reached() {
Some(when) => {
if when > now {
// Special handling for scheduled events coming in early.
// Wait at least 10 ms to avoid Zeno's paradox.
// This is probably not needed though,
// if the `now` contains the desired time of the event.
// But then what about time "reversing"?
now + Duration::from_millis(10),
} else {
// There's only one timeout in flight, and it's this one.
// It's about to complete, and then the tracker can be cleared.
// I'm not sure if this is strictly necessary.
None => loop_state.scheduled_wakeup.clone(),
// Reschedule timeout if the new state calls for it.
let scheduled = &loop_state.scheduled_wakeup;
let desired = loop_state.state.get_next_wake(now);
loop_state.scheduled_wakeup = match (scheduled, desired) {
(&Some(scheduled), Some(next)) => {
if scheduled > next {
// State wants a wake to happen before the one which is already scheduled.
// The previous state is removed in order to only ever keep one in flight.
// That hopefully avoids pileups,
// e.g. because the system is busy
// and the user keeps doing something that queues more events.
} else {
// Not changing the case when the wanted wake is *after* scheduled,
// because wakes are not expensive as long as they don't pile up,
// and I can't see a pileup potential when it doesn't retrigger itself.
// Skipping an expected event is much more dangerous.
(None, Some(next)) => Some(next),
// No need to change the unneeded wake - see above.
// (Some(_), None) => ...
(other, _) => other.clone(),
(loop_state, commands)
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::animation;
use crate::imservice::{ ContentHint, ContentPurpose };
use crate::panel;
use crate::state;
use crate::state::{ Application, InputMethod, InputMethodDetails, Presence, visibility };
use crate::state::test::application_with_fake_output;
fn imdetails_new() -> InputMethodDetails {
InputMethodDetails {
purpose: ContentPurpose::Normal,
hint: ContentHint::NONE,
// TODO: This should only test the scheduling in handle_event.
// This means it should be separated from actual application logic,
// and use a mock state instead.
fn schedule_hide() {
let start = Instant::now(); // doesn't matter when. It would be better to have a reproducible value though
let mut now = start;
let state = Application {
im: InputMethod::Active(imdetails_new()),
physical_keyboard: Presence::Missing,
visibility_override: visibility::State::NotForced,
let l = State::new(state, now);
let (l, commands) = handle_event(l, InputMethod::InactiveSince(now).into(), now);
assert_matches!(commands.panel_visibility, Some(panel::Command::Show{..}));
assert_eq!(l.scheduled_wakeup, Some(now + animation::HIDING_TIMEOUT));
now += animation::HIDING_TIMEOUT;
let (l, commands) = handle_event(l, state::Event::TimeoutReached(now), now);
assert_eq!(commands.panel_visibility, Some(panel::Command::Hide));
assert_eq!(l.scheduled_wakeup, None);