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// This file was generated by gir (
// from
// from gir-files (
use crate::{ffi, NavigationDirection};
use glib::{prelude::*, translate::*};
glib::wrapper! {
/// An interface for swipeable widgets.
/// The [`Swipeable`][crate::Swipeable] interface is implemented by all swipeable widgets.
/// See [`SwipeTracker`][crate::SwipeTracker] for details about implementing it.
/// # Implements
/// [`SwipeableExt`][trait@crate::prelude::SwipeableExt], [`trait@gtk::prelude::WidgetExt`], [`trait@glib::ObjectExt`], [`trait@gtk::prelude::AccessibleExt`], [`trait@gtk::prelude::BuildableExt`], [`trait@gtk::prelude::ConstraintTargetExt`]
#[doc(alias = "AdwSwipeable")]
pub struct Swipeable(Interface<ffi::AdwSwipeable, ffi::AdwSwipeableInterface>) @requires gtk::Widget, gtk::Accessible, gtk::Buildable, gtk::ConstraintTarget;
match fn {
type_ => || ffi::adw_swipeable_get_type(),
impl Swipeable {
pub const NONE: Option<&'static Swipeable> = None;
mod sealed {
pub trait Sealed {}
impl<T: super::IsA<super::Swipeable>> Sealed for T {}
/// Trait containing all [`struct@Swipeable`] methods.
/// # Implementors
/// [`BottomSheet`][struct@crate::BottomSheet], [`Carousel`][struct@crate::Carousel], [`Flap`][struct@crate::Flap], [`Leaflet`][struct@crate::Leaflet], [`NavigationView`][struct@crate::NavigationView], [`OverlaySplitView`][struct@crate::OverlaySplitView], [`Swipeable`][struct@crate::Swipeable]
pub trait SwipeableExt: IsA<Swipeable> + sealed::Sealed + 'static {
/// Gets the progress @self will snap back to after the gesture is canceled.
/// # Returns
/// the cancel progress, unitless
#[doc(alias = "adw_swipeable_get_cancel_progress")]
#[doc(alias = "get_cancel_progress")]
fn cancel_progress(&self) -> f64 {
unsafe { ffi::adw_swipeable_get_cancel_progress(self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0) }
/// Gets the swipe distance of @self.
/// This corresponds to how many pixels 1 unit represents.
/// # Returns
/// the swipe distance in pixels
#[doc(alias = "adw_swipeable_get_distance")]
#[doc(alias = "get_distance")]
fn distance(&self) -> f64 {
unsafe { ffi::adw_swipeable_get_distance(self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0) }
/// Gets the current progress of @self.
/// # Returns
/// the current progress, unitless
#[doc(alias = "adw_swipeable_get_progress")]
#[doc(alias = "get_progress")]
fn progress(&self) -> f64 {
unsafe { ffi::adw_swipeable_get_progress(self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0) }
/// Gets the snap points of @self.
/// Each snap point represents a progress value that is considered acceptable to
/// end the swipe on.
/// # Returns
/// the snap points
#[doc(alias = "adw_swipeable_get_snap_points")]
#[doc(alias = "get_snap_points")]
fn snap_points(&self) -> Vec<f64> {
unsafe {
let mut n_snap_points = std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
let ret = FromGlibContainer::from_glib_full_num(
n_snap_points.assume_init() as _,
/// Gets the area @self can start a swipe from for the given direction and
/// gesture type.
/// This can be used to restrict swipes to only be possible from a certain area,
/// for example, to only allow edge swipes, or to have a draggable element and
/// ignore swipes elsewhere.
/// If not implemented, the default implementation returns the allocation of
/// @self, allowing swipes from anywhere.
/// ## `navigation_direction`
/// the direction of the swipe
/// ## `is_drag`
/// whether the swipe is caused by a dragging gesture
/// # Returns
/// ## `rect`
/// a pointer to a rectangle to store the swipe area
#[doc(alias = "adw_swipeable_get_swipe_area")]
#[doc(alias = "get_swipe_area")]
fn swipe_area(
navigation_direction: NavigationDirection,
is_drag: bool,
) -> gdk::Rectangle {
unsafe {
let mut rect = gdk::Rectangle::uninitialized();
impl<O: IsA<Swipeable>> SwipeableExt for O {}