Returns the component-ID of the current distribution based on contents
of the /etc/os-release
This function is a shorthand for as_distro_details_get_cid
Get a list of the default Freedesktop and AppStream categories
that software components (especially GUI applications) can be sorted
into in software centers.
Get a list of the default Freedesktop and AppStream categories
that software components (especially GUI applications) can be sorted
into in software centers.
Searches the known list of SPDX license exception IDs.
Checks the licence string to check it being a valid licence.
NOTE: SPDX licenses can’t typically contain brackets.
Searches the known list of SPDX license IDs.
Check if the given license is for free-as-in-freedom software.
A free software license is either approved by the Free Software Foundation
or the Open Source Initiative.
Check if the metadata license is suitable for mixing with other
metadata and redistributing the bundled result (this means we
prefer permissive licenses here, to not require people shipping
catalog metadata to perform a full license review).
Tests license ID against the vetted list of licenses that
can be used for metainfo metadata.
This function will not work for license expressions, if you need
to test an SPDX license expression for compliance, please
use as_license_is_metadata_license
Get a translated license name for the given SPDX ID.
Converts a non-SPDX license into an SPDX format string where possible.
Get a web URL to the license text and more license information for an SPDX
license identifier.
Converts XML description markup into other forms of text.
Splits up a long line into an array of smaller strings, each being no longer
than line_len
. Words are not split.
Tokenizes the SPDX license string (or any simarly formatted string)
into parts. Any license parts of the string e.g. “LGPL-2.0+” are prefexed
with “@”, the conjunctive replaced with “&”, the disjunctive replaced
with “|” and the WITH operator for license exceptions replaced with “^”.
Brackets are added as indervidual tokens and other strings are
appended into single tokens where possible.
Builds an identifier string unique to the individual dataset using the supplied information.
Get the component-id part of the data-id.
Checks two data IDs for equality allowing globs to match, whilst also
allowing clients to whitelist sections that have to match.
Checks if a data ID is valid i.e. has the correct number of
Get a human-readable, translated name of the desktop environment
represented by the given ID.
Get a human-readable, translated name of the combination
of GUI environment and style. E.g. “plasma:dark” becomes “Plasma (Dark)”.
Retrieve the raw search token weight for the given tag name that AppStream uses
internally for searching.
This can be used to implement separate, but compatible search logic.
Installs an AppStream MetaInfo, AppStream Metadata Catalog or AppStream Icon tarball file
to the right place on the filesystem.
Please note that this function does almost no validation and may guess missing values such
as icon sizes and origin names.
Ensure your metadata is good before installing it.
Checks if the submitted desktop environment ID is
known and valid.
Checks if the given identifier is a valid, known GUI environment style.
Test if the given string is a valid platform triplet recognized by
Searches the known list of TLDs we allow for AppStream IDs.
This excludes internationalized names.
Calculates if one locale is compatible with another.
When doing the calculation the locale and language code is taken into
account if possible.
Converts a POSIX locale string to the corresponding IETF BCP47 format.
If the given locale is already in BCP47 format, no change will be done.
Sorts all components in
into the
categories listed in
Compare alpha and numeric segments of two software versions,
considering flags
Compare alpha and numeric segments of two software versions.
Compare two version numbers and check if the given version comparator matches.
Get the version of the AppStream library that is currently used
at runtime as a string.