
Trait ComponentExt

pub trait ComponentExt:
    + Sealed
    + 'static {
Show 134 methods // Provided methods fn add_addon(&self, addon: &impl IsA<Component>) { ... } fn add_agreement(&self, agreement: &impl IsA<Agreement>) { ... } fn add_bundle(&self, bundle: &impl IsA<Bundle>) { ... } fn add_category(&self, category: &str) { ... } fn add_content_rating(&self, content_rating: &impl IsA<ContentRating>) { ... } fn add_extends(&self, cpt_id: &str) { ... } fn add_icon(&self, icon: &impl IsA<Icon>) { ... } fn add_keyword(&self, keyword: &str, locale: Option<&str>) { ... } fn add_language(&self, locale: Option<&str>, percentage: i32) { ... } fn add_launchable(&self, launchable: &impl IsA<Launchable>) { ... } fn add_provided(&self, prov: &impl IsA<Provided>) { ... } fn add_provided_item(&self, kind: ProvidedKind, item: &str) { ... } fn add_relation(&self, relation: &impl IsA<Relation>) { ... } fn add_release(&self, release: &impl IsA<Release>) { ... } fn add_replaces(&self, cid: &str) { ... } fn add_review(&self, review: &impl IsA<Review>) { ... } fn add_screenshot(&self, sshot: &impl IsA<Screenshot>) { ... } fn add_suggested(&self, suggested: &impl IsA<Suggested>) { ... } fn add_tag(&self, ns: &str, tag: &str) -> bool { ... } fn add_translation(&self, tr: &impl IsA<Translation>) { ... } fn add_url(&self, url_kind: UrlKind, url: &str) { ... } fn clear_keywords(&self, locale: Option<&str>) { ... } fn clear_languages(&self) { ... } fn clear_tags(&self) { ... } fn addons(&self) -> Vec<Component> { ... } fn agreement_by_kind(&self, kind: AgreementKind) -> Option<Agreement> { ... } fn agreements(&self) -> Vec<Agreement> { ... } fn branch(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn branding(&self) -> Option<Branding> { ... } fn bundle(&self, bundle_kind: BundleKind) -> Option<Bundle> { ... } fn bundles(&self) -> Vec<Bundle> { ... } fn categories(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn compulsory_for_desktops(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn content_rating(&self, kind: &str) -> Option<ContentRating> { ... } fn content_ratings(&self) -> Vec<ContentRating> { ... } fn context(&self) -> Option<Context> { ... } fn custom_value(&self, key: &str) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn data_id(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn date_eol(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn description(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn extends(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn icon_by_size(&self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Option<Icon> { ... } fn icon_stock(&self) -> Option<Icon> { ... } fn icons(&self) -> Vec<Icon> { ... } fn id(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn keywords(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn kind(&self) -> ComponentKind { ... } fn language(&self, locale: Option<&str>) -> i32 { ... } fn languages(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn launchable(&self, kind: LaunchableKind) -> Option<Launchable> { ... } fn launchables(&self) -> Vec<Launchable> { ... } fn merge_kind(&self) -> MergeKind { ... } fn metadata_license(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn name(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn name_variant_suffix(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn origin(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn pkgname(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn pkgnames(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn priority(&self) -> i32 { ... } fn project_group(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn project_license(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn provided(&self) -> Vec<Provided> { ... } fn provided_for_kind(&self, kind: ProvidedKind) -> Option<Provided> { ... } fn recommends(&self) -> Vec<Relation> { ... } fn releases_plain(&self) -> Option<ReleaseList> { ... } fn replaces(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn requires(&self) -> Vec<Relation> { ... } fn reviews(&self) -> Vec<Review> { ... } fn scope(&self) -> ComponentScope { ... } fn screenshots_all(&self) -> Vec<Screenshot> { ... } fn search_tokens(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn sort_score(&self) -> u32 { ... } fn source_pkgname(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn suggested(&self) -> Vec<Suggested> { ... } fn summary(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn supports(&self) -> Vec<Relation> { ... } fn timestamp_eol(&self) -> u64 { ... } fn translations(&self) -> Vec<Translation> { ... } fn url(&self, url_kind: UrlKind) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn has_bundle(&self) -> bool { ... } fn has_category(&self, category: &str) -> bool { ... } fn has_tag(&self, ns: &str, tag: &str) -> bool { ... } fn insert_custom_value(&self, key: &str, value: &str) -> bool { ... } fn is_compulsory_for_desktop(&self, desktop: &str) -> bool { ... } fn is_floss(&self) -> bool { ... } fn is_ignored(&self) -> bool { ... } fn is_member_of_category(&self, category: &impl IsA<Category>) -> bool { ... } fn is_valid(&self) -> bool { ... } fn load_from_bytes( &self, context: &impl IsA<Context>, format: FormatKind, bytes: &Bytes, ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn load_releases( &self, allow_net: bool, ) -> Result<Option<ReleaseList>, Error> { ... } fn remove_tag(&self, ns: &str, tag: &str) -> bool { ... } fn search_matches(&self, term: &str) -> u32 { ... } fn set_branch(&self, branch: &str) { ... } fn set_branding(&self, branding: &impl IsA<Branding>) { ... } fn set_compulsory_for_desktop(&self, desktop: &str) { ... } fn set_context(&self, context: &impl IsA<Context>) { ... } fn set_context_locale(&self, locale: &str) { ... } fn set_data_id(&self, value: &str) { ... } fn set_date_eol(&self, date: &str) { ... } fn set_description(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>) { ... } fn set_id(&self, value: &str) { ... } fn set_keywords( &self, new_keywords: &[&str], locale: Option<&str>, deep_copy: bool, ) { ... } fn set_kind(&self, value: ComponentKind) { ... } fn set_merge_kind(&self, kind: MergeKind) { ... } fn set_metadata_license(&self, value: &str) { ... } fn set_name(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>) { ... } fn set_name_variant_suffix(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>) { ... } fn set_origin(&self, origin: &str) { ... } fn set_pkgname(&self, pkgname: &str) { ... } fn set_pkgnames(&self, packages: &[&str]) { ... } fn set_priority(&self, priority: i32) { ... } fn set_project_group(&self, value: &str) { ... } fn set_project_license(&self, value: &str) { ... } fn set_releases(&self, releases: &impl IsA<ReleaseList>) { ... } fn set_scope(&self, scope: ComponentScope) { ... } fn set_sort_score(&self, score: u32) { ... } fn set_source_pkgname(&self, spkgname: &str) { ... } fn set_summary(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>) { ... } fn sort_screenshots( &self, environment: Option<&str>, style: Option<&str>, prioritize_style: bool, ) { ... } fn to_str(&self) -> GString { ... } fn to_xml_data(&self, context: &impl IsA<Context>) -> Result<GString, Error> { ... } fn connect_categories_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_description_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_icons_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_id_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_keywords_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_kind_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_name_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_pkgnames_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_project_group_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_project_license_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_screenshots_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_summary_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_urls_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... }
Expand description

Trait containing all Component methods.



Provided Methods§


fn add_addon(&self, addon: &impl IsA<Component>)

Add a reference to the addon that is enhancing this component.


The Component that extends self


fn add_agreement(&self, agreement: &impl IsA<Agreement>)

Adds an agreement to the software component.


an Agreement instance.


fn add_bundle(&self, bundle: &impl IsA<Bundle>)

Adds a bundle to the component.


The Bundle to add.


fn add_category(&self, category: &str)

Add a category.


the categories name to add.


fn add_content_rating(&self, content_rating: &impl IsA<ContentRating>)

Adds a content rating to this component.


a ContentRating instance.


fn add_extends(&self, cpt_id: &str)

Add a reference to the extended component


The id of a component which is extended by this component


fn add_icon(&self, icon: &impl IsA<Icon>)

Add an icon to this component.


the valid Icon instance to add.


fn add_keyword(&self, keyword: &str, locale: Option<&str>)

Add a new keyword to the keywords list for the given locale. This function does not check for duplicate keywords.


The new keyword to add.


BCP47 locale of the values, or None to use current locale.


fn add_language(&self, locale: Option<&str>, percentage: i32)

Adds a language to the component.


the BCP47 locale, or None. e.g. “en-GB”


the percentage completion of the translation, 0 for locales with unknown amount of translation


fn add_launchable(&self, launchable: &impl IsA<Launchable>)

Adds a Launchable containing launchables entries for this component.


a Launchable instance.


fn add_provided(&self, prov: &impl IsA<Provided>)

Add a set of provided items to this component.


a Provided instance.


fn add_provided_item(&self, kind: ProvidedKind, item: &str)

Adds a provided item to the component with the given kind, creating a new Provided for this kind internally if necessary.


the kind of the provided item (e.g. ProvidedKind::Mediatype)


the item to add.


fn add_relation(&self, relation: &impl IsA<Relation>)

Adds a Relation to set a recommends or requires relation of component self on the item mentioned in the Relation.


a Relation instance.


fn add_release(&self, release: &impl IsA<Release>)

Add an Release to this component.


The Release to add


fn add_replaces(&self, cid: &str)

Add the component ID of a component that gets replaced by the current component.


an AppStream component ID


fn add_review(&self, review: &impl IsA<Review>)

Adds a user review to a software component.


a Review instance.


fn add_screenshot(&self, sshot: &impl IsA<Screenshot>)

Add an Screenshot to this component.


The Screenshot to add


fn add_suggested(&self, suggested: &impl IsA<Suggested>)

Add an Suggested to this component.


The Suggested


fn add_tag(&self, ns: &str, tag: &str) -> bool

Add a tag to this component.


The namespace the tag belongs to


The tag name


true if the tag was added.


fn add_translation(&self, tr: &impl IsA<Translation>)

Assign an Translation object describing the translation system used by this component.


an Translation instance.


fn add_url(&self, url_kind: UrlKind, url: &str)

Adds some URL data to the component.


the URL kind, e.g. UrlKind::Homepage


the full URL.


fn clear_keywords(&self, locale: Option<&str>)

Remove all keywords for the given locale.


BCP47 locale of the values, or None to use current locale.


fn clear_languages(&self)

Remove all registered language translation information.


fn clear_tags(&self)

Remove all tags associated with this component.


fn addons(&self) -> Vec<Component>

Returns a list of Component objects which are addons extending this component in functionality.

This is the reverse of extends()


An array of Component.


fn agreement_by_kind(&self, kind: AgreementKind) -> Option<Agreement>

Gets an agreement the component has specified for the particular kind.


an agreement kind, e.g. AgreementKind::Eula


a Agreement or None for not found


fn agreements(&self) -> Vec<Agreement>

Get a list of all agreements registered with this software component.


An array of Agreement.


fn branch(&self) -> Option<GString>

Gets the branch for the application.


string, or None if unset


fn branding(&self) -> Option<Branding>

Get the branding associated with this component, or None in case this component has no special branding.


An Branding.


fn bundle(&self, bundle_kind: BundleKind) -> Option<Bundle>

Gets a bundle identifier string.


the bundle kind, e.g. BundleKind::Limba.


An Bundle, or None if not set.


fn bundles(&self) -> Vec<Bundle>

Get a list of all software bundles associated with this component.


A list of Bundle.


fn categories(&self) -> Vec<GString>


String array of categories


fn compulsory_for_desktops(&self) -> Vec<GString>


A list of desktops where this component is compulsory


fn content_rating(&self, kind: &str) -> Option<ContentRating>

Gets a content ratings of a specific type that are defined for this component.


a ratings kind, e.g. “oars-1.0”


a ContentRating or None if not found


fn content_ratings(&self) -> Vec<ContentRating>

Gets all content ratings defined for this software.


an array


fn context(&self) -> Option<Context>

Get the Context associated with this component. This function may return None if no context is set (which will be the case if the component was not loaded from a file or cache but constructed in memory).


the associated Context or None


fn custom_value(&self, key: &str) -> Option<GString>

Retrieve value for a custom data entry with the given key.


Field name.


fn data_id(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get a unique identifier for this metadata set. This unique ID is only valid for the current session, as opposed to the AppStream ID which uniquely identifies a software component.

The format of the unique id usually is: %{scope}/%{origin}/%{distribution_system}/%{appstream_id}

For example: system/os/package/org.example.FooBar


the unique session-specific identifier.


fn date_eol(&self) -> Option<GString>

Gets the end-of-life date for the entire component.


The EOL date as string in ISO8601 format.


fn description(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get the localized long description of this component.


the description.


fn extends(&self) -> Vec<GString>

Returns a string list of IDs of components which are extended by this addon.

See extends() for the reverse.


A GPtrArray or None if not set.


fn icon_by_size(&self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Option<Icon>

Gets an icon matching the size constraints. The icons are not filtered by type, and the first icon which matches the size is returned. If you want more control over which icons you use for displaying, use the icons() function to get a list of all icons.

Note that this function is not HiDPI aware! It will never return an icon with a scaling factor > 1.


The icon width in pixels.


the icon height in pixels.


An icon matching the given width/height, or None if not found.


fn icon_stock(&self) -> Option<Icon>

Gets a stock icon for this component if one is associated with it. Will return None otherwise.


An stock icon, or None if none found.


fn icons(&self) -> Vec<Icon>


A GPtrArray of all icons for this component.


fn id(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get the unique AppStream identifier for this component. This ID is unique for the described component, but does not uniquely identify the metadata set.

For a unique ID for this metadata set in the current session, use data_id()


the unique AppStream identifier.


fn keywords(&self) -> Vec<GString>


String array of keywords


fn kind(&self) -> ComponentKind

Returns the ComponentKind of this component.


the kind of this.


fn language(&self, locale: Option<&str>) -> i32

Gets the translation coverage in percent for a specific locale


the BCP47 locale, or None. e.g. “en-GB”


a percentage value, -1 if locale was not found


fn languages(&self) -> Vec<GString>

Get a list of all languages.


list of locales


fn launchable(&self, kind: LaunchableKind) -> Option<Launchable>

Gets a Launchable of a specific type that contains launchable entries for this component.


a launch kind, e.g. LaunchableKind::DesktopId


a Launchable or None if not found


fn launchables(&self) -> Vec<Launchable>


an array


fn merge_kind(&self) -> MergeKind

Get the merge method which should apply to duplicate components with this ID.


the MergeKind of this component.


fn metadata_license(&self) -> Option<GString>

The license the metadata iself is subjected to.


the license.


fn name(&self) -> Option<GString>

A human-readable name for this component.


the name.


fn name_variant_suffix(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get variant suffix for the component name (only to be displayed if two components have the same name).


the variant suffix


fn origin(&self) -> Option<GString>


fn pkgname(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get the first package name of the list of packages that need to be installed for this component to be present on the system. Since most components consist of only one package, this is safe to use for about 90% of all cases.

However, to support a component fully, please use pkgnames() for getting all packages that need to be installed, and use this method only to e.g. get the main package to perform a quick “is it installed?” check.


String array of package names


fn pkgnames(&self) -> Vec<GString>

Get a list of package names which this component consists of. This usually is just one package name.


String array of package names


fn priority(&self) -> i32

Returns the priority of this component. This method is used internally.


fn project_group(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get the component’s project group.


the project group.


fn project_license(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get the license of the project this component belongs to.


the license.


fn provided(&self) -> Vec<Provided>

Get a list of Provided objects associated with this component.


A list of Provided objects.


fn provided_for_kind(&self, kind: ProvidedKind) -> Option<Provided>

Get an Provided object for the given interface type, containing information about the public interfaces (mimetypes, firmware, DBus services, …) this component provides.


kind of the provided item, e.g. ProvidedKind::Mediatype


Provided containing the items this component provides, or None.


fn recommends(&self) -> Vec<Relation>

Get an array of items that are recommended by this component.


an array


fn releases_plain(&self) -> Option<ReleaseList>

Get release information for this component, without downloading or loading any data from external sources.


Release information as ReleaseList


fn replaces(&self) -> Vec<GString>

Get a list of component IDs of components that this software replaces entirely.


an array of component-IDs


fn requires(&self) -> Vec<Relation>

Get an array of items that are required by this component.


an array


fn reviews(&self) -> Vec<Review>

Gets any reviews associated with the component.


an array


fn scope(&self) -> ComponentScope


the ComponentScope of this component.


fn screenshots_all(&self) -> Vec<Screenshot>

Get a list of all associated screenshots, for all environments.


an array of Screenshot instances


fn search_tokens(&self) -> Vec<GString>

Returns all search tokens for this component.


The string search tokens


fn sort_score(&self) -> u32

Returns the sorting priority of this component.

This will only return a valid value if this component was the result of or involved in a search operation which returned sorted results. In most cases you will not need to access this value explicitly, as all results of search operations in AppStream are already sorted from best match to worst.

The returned value is an arbitrary integer value, valid only for the search terms involved in the search operation that yielded this component as a result.


fn source_pkgname(&self) -> Option<GString>


the source package name.


fn suggested(&self) -> Vec<Suggested>

Get a list of associated suggestions.


an array of Suggested instances


fn summary(&self) -> Option<GString>

Get a short description of this component.


the summary.


fn supports(&self) -> Vec<Relation>

Get an array of items that are supported by this component, e.g. to indicate support for a specific piece of hardware.


an array


fn timestamp_eol(&self) -> u64

Gets the UNIX timestamp for the date when this component is out of support (end-of-life) and will receive no more updates, not even security fixes.


UNIX timestamp, or 0 for unset or invalid.


fn translations(&self) -> Vec<Translation>

Get a GPtrArray of Translation objects describing the translation systems and translation-ids (e.g. Gettext domains) used by this software component.

Only set for metainfo files.


An array of Translation objects.


fn url(&self, url_kind: UrlKind) -> Option<GString>

Gets a URL.


the URL kind, e.g. UrlKind::Homepage.


string, or None if unset


fn has_bundle(&self) -> bool


true if this component has a bundle associated.


fn has_category(&self, category: &str) -> bool

Check if component is in the specified category.


the specified category to check


true if the component is in the specified category.


fn has_tag(&self, ns: &str, tag: &str) -> bool

Test if the component is tagged with the selected tag.


The namespace the tag belongs to


The tag name


true if tag exists.


fn insert_custom_value(&self, key: &str, value: &str) -> bool

Add a key and value pair to the custom data table.


Key name.


A string value.


true if the key did not exist yet.


fn is_compulsory_for_desktop(&self, desktop: &str) -> bool

Check if this component is compulsory for the given desktop.


the desktop-id to test for


true if compulsory, false otherwise.


fn is_floss(&self) -> bool

Returns true if this component is free and open source software. To determine this status, this function will check if it comes from a vetted free-software-only source or whether its licenses are only free software licenses.


true if this component is free software.


fn is_ignored(&self) -> bool


Whether this component’s metadata should be ignored.


fn is_member_of_category(&self, category: &impl IsA<Category>) -> bool

Test if the component self is a member of category category.


The category to test.


fn is_valid(&self) -> bool

Check if the essential properties of this Component are populated with useful data.


TRUE if the component data was validated successfully.


fn load_from_bytes( &self, context: &impl IsA<Context>, format: FormatKind, bytes: &Bytes, ) -> Result<(), Error>

Load metadata for this component from an XML string. You normally do not want to use this method directly and instead use the more convenient API of Metadata to create and update components.

If this function returns true, a valid component is returned unless the selected format was FormatKind::DesktopEntry, in which case a component ID will have to be set explicitly by the caller in order to make the component valid.


an Context instance.


the format of the data to load, e.g. FormatKind::Xml


the data to load.


true on success.


fn load_releases(&self, allow_net: bool) -> Result<Option<ReleaseList>, Error>

Get release information for this component, download it if necessary.


Release information as ReleaseList, or None if loading failed.


fn remove_tag(&self, ns: &str, tag: &str) -> bool

Remove a tag from this component


The namespace the tag belongs to


The tag name


true if the tag was removed.


fn search_matches(&self, term: &str) -> u32

Searches component data for a specific keyword.


the search term.


a match scrore, where 0 is no match and 100 is the best match.


fn set_branch(&self, branch: &str)

Set the branch that the component instance was sourced from.


the branch, e.g. “master” or “3-16”.


fn set_branding(&self, branding: &impl IsA<Branding>)

Set branding for this component.


an Branding instance.


fn set_compulsory_for_desktop(&self, desktop: &str)

Mark this component to be compulsory for the specified desktop environment.


The name of the desktop.


fn set_context(&self, context: &impl IsA<Context>)

Sets the document context this component is associated with.


the Context.


fn set_context_locale(&self, locale: &str)

Set the active locale on the context assoaiacted with this component, creating a new context for the component if none exists yet.

Please not that this will flip the locale of all other components and entities that use the same context as well! This function is just a convenience method, and does not replace proper Context management.


the new locale.


fn set_data_id(&self, value: &str)

Set the session-specific unique metadata identifier for this component. If two components have a different data_id but the same ID, they will be treated as independent sets of metadata describing the same component type.


the unique session-specific identifier.


fn set_date_eol(&self, date: &str)

Sets an end-of-life date for this component.


the EOL date in ISO8601 format.


fn set_description(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>)

Set long description for this component.


The long description


The BCP47 locale for this value, or None to use the current active one.


fn set_id(&self, value: &str)

Set the AppStream identifier for this component.


the unique identifier.


fn set_keywords( &self, new_keywords: &[&str], locale: Option<&str>, deep_copy: bool, )

Set keywords for this component, replacing all existing ones for the selected locale.


Array of keywords


BCP47 locale of the values, or None to use current locale.


Set to true if the keywords array should be copied, false to set by reference.


fn set_kind(&self, value: ComponentKind)

Sets the ComponentKind of this component.


the ComponentKind.


fn set_merge_kind(&self, kind: MergeKind)

Sets the MergeKind for this component.


the MergeKind.


fn set_metadata_license(&self, value: &str)

Set the license this metadata is licensed under.


the metadata license.


fn set_name(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>)

Set a human-readable name for this component.


The name


The BCP47 locale for this value, or None to use the current active one.


fn set_name_variant_suffix(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>)

Set a variant suffix for the component name (only to be displayed if components have the same name).


the developer or developer team name


the BCP47 locale, or None. e.g. “en-GB”


fn set_origin(&self, origin: &str)


the origin.


fn set_pkgname(&self, pkgname: &str)

Set the package name that provides this component.


the package name


fn set_pkgnames(&self, packages: &[&str])

Set a list of package names this component consists of. (This should usually be just one package name)


fn set_priority(&self, priority: i32)

Sets the priority of this component. This method is used internally.


the given priority


fn set_project_group(&self, value: &str)

Set the component’s project group.


the project group.


fn set_project_license(&self, value: &str)

Set the project license.


the project license.


fn set_releases(&self, releases: &impl IsA<ReleaseList>)

Set a new set of releases for this component.


the ReleaseList to use.


fn set_scope(&self, scope: ComponentScope)

Sets the ComponentScope of this component.


the ComponentKind.


fn set_sort_score(&self, score: u32)

Sets the sorting score of this component.


the given sorting score


fn set_source_pkgname(&self, spkgname: &str)


the source package name.


fn set_summary(&self, value: &str, locale: Option<&str>)

Set a short description for this component.


The summary


The BCP47 locale for this value, or None to use the current active one.


fn sort_screenshots( &self, environment: Option<&str>, style: Option<&str>, prioritize_style: bool, )

Reorder the screenshots to prioritize a certain environment or style, instead of using the default screenshot order.

If both “environment” and “style” are None, the previous default order is restored.


a GUI environment string, e.g. “plasma” or “gnome”


and environment style string, e.g. “light” or “dark”


if true, order screenshots of the given style earlier than ones of the given environment.


fn to_str(&self) -> GString

Returns a string identifying this component. (useful for debugging)


A descriptive string


fn to_xml_data(&self, context: &impl IsA<Context>) -> Result<GString, Error>

Serialize this component into an XML string. You normally do not want to use this method directly and instead use the more convenient API of Metadata to serialize components.


an Context instance.


true on success.


fn connect_categories_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_description_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_icons_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_id_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_keywords_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_kind_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_name_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_pkgnames_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_project_group_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_project_license_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_screenshots_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_summary_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_urls_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
