pub trait InstallationExt: IsA<Installation> + Sealed + 'static {
Show 44 methods // Provided methods fn add_remote( &self, remote: &impl IsA<Remote>, if_needed: bool, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn cleanup_local_refs_sync( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn create_monitor( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<FileMonitor, Error> { ... } fn drop_caches( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn fetch_remote_metadata_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &impl IsA<Ref>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Bytes, Error> { ... } fn fetch_remote_ref_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, kind: RefKind, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<RemoteRef, Error> { ... } fn fetch_remote_ref_sync_full( &self, remote_name: &str, kind: RefKind, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, flags: QueryFlags, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<RemoteRef, Error> { ... } fn fetch_remote_size_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &impl IsA<Ref>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(u64, u64), Error> { ... } fn config( &self, key: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<GString, Error> { ... } fn current_installed_app( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<InstalledRef, Error> { ... } fn default_languages(&self) -> Result<Vec<GString>, Error> { ... } fn default_locales(&self) -> Result<Vec<GString>, Error> { ... } fn display_name(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn id(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn installed_ref( &self, kind: RefKind, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<InstalledRef, Error> { ... } fn is_user(&self) -> bool { ... } fn min_free_space_bytes(&self) -> Result<u64, Error> { ... } fn is_no_interaction(&self) -> bool { ... } fn path(&self) -> Option<File> { ... } fn priority(&self) -> i32 { ... } fn remote_by_name( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Remote, Error> { ... } fn storage_type(&self) -> StorageType { ... } fn install_ref_file( &self, ref_file_data: &Bytes, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<RemoteRef, Error> { ... } fn launch( &self, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, commit: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn list_installed_refs( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_installed_refs_by_kind( &self, kind: RefKind, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_installed_refs_for_update( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_installed_related_refs_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<RelatedRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_pinned_refs( &self, arch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_remote_refs_sync( &self, remote_or_uri: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<RemoteRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_remote_refs_sync_full( &self, remote_or_uri: &str, flags: QueryFlags, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<RemoteRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_remote_related_refs_for_installed_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<RelatedRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_remote_related_refs_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<RelatedRef>, Error> { ... } fn list_remotes( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<Remote>, Error> { ... } fn list_unused_refs( &self, arch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error> { ... } fn load_app_overrides( &self, app_id: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<GString, Error> { ... } fn modify_remote( &self, remote: &impl IsA<Remote>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn prune_local_repo( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn remove_local_ref_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn remove_remote( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn run_triggers( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn set_config_sync( &self, key: &str, value: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn set_no_interaction(&self, no_interaction: bool) { ... } fn update_remote_sync( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... }
Expand description

Trait containing all Installation methods.



Provided Methods§


fn add_remote( &self, remote: &impl IsA<Remote>, if_needed: bool, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Adds a new remote object to the set of remotes. This is similar to modify_remote() for non-existing remote names. However, if the named remote already exists then instead of modifying it it fails with Error::AlreadyInstalled, or if if_needed is true it silently succeeds without doing anything.

As an exception to the last, if the local config has a filter defined, but the new remote unsets the filter (for example, it comes from an unfiltered .flatpakref via Remote::from_file()) the the local remote filter gets reset. This is to allow the setup where there is a default setup of a filtered remote, yet you can still use the standard flatpakref file to get the full contents without getting two remotes.


the new Remote


if true, only add if it doesn’t exists


a gio::Cancellable


true if the modifications have been committed successfully


fn cleanup_local_refs_sync( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Remove all OSTree refs from the local flatpak repository which are not in a deployed state. The next time the underlying OSTree repo is pruned, objects which were attached to that ref will be removed. This is useful if you pulled a flatpak refs using InstallationExtManual::install_full() and specified InstallFlags::NO_DEPLOY but then decided not to deploy the refs later on and want to remove the local refs to prevent them from taking up disk space. Note that this will not remove the objects referred to by ref_ from the underlying OSTree repo, you should use prune_local_repo() to do that.


a gio::Cancellable


true on success


fn create_monitor( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<FileMonitor, Error>

Gets monitor object for the installation. The returned file monitor will emit the changed signal whenever an application or runtime was installed, uninstalled or updated.


a gio::Cancellable


a new gio::FileMonitor instance, or None on error


fn drop_caches( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Drops all internal (in-memory) caches. For instance, this may be needed to pick up new or changed remotes configured outside this installation instance.


a gio::Cancellable


true on success, false on error


fn fetch_remote_metadata_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &impl IsA<Ref>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Bytes, Error>

Obtains the metadata file from a commit.

NOTE: Since 0.11.4 this information is accessible in FlatpakRemoteRef, so this function is not very useful anymore.


the name of the remote


the ref


a gio::Cancellable


a glib::Bytes containing the flatpak metadata file, or None if an error occurred


fn fetch_remote_ref_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, kind: RefKind, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<RemoteRef, Error>

Gets the current remote branch of a ref in the remote.


the name of the remote


what this ref contains (an RefKind)


name of the app/runtime to fetch


which architecture to fetch (default: current architecture)


which branch to fetch (default: ‘master’)


a gio::Cancellable


a RemoteRef instance, or None


fn fetch_remote_ref_sync_full( &self, remote_name: &str, kind: RefKind, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, flags: QueryFlags, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<RemoteRef, Error>

Gets the current remote branch of a ref in the remote.


the name of the remote


what this ref contains (an RefKind)


name of the app/runtime to fetch


which architecture to fetch (default: current architecture)


which branch to fetch (default: ‘master’)


set of QueryFlags


a gio::Cancellable


a RemoteRef instance, or None


fn fetch_remote_size_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &impl IsA<Ref>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(u64, u64), Error>

Gets information about the maximum amount of data that needs to be transferred to pull the ref from a remote repository, and about the amount of local disk space that is required to check out this commit.

Note that if there are locally available data that are in the ref, which is common for instance if you’re doing an update then the real download size may be smaller than what is returned here.

NOTE: Since 0.11.4 this information is accessible in FlatpakRemoteRef, so this function is not very useful anymore.


the name of the remote


the ref


a gio::Cancellable


true, unless an error occurred


return location for the (maximum) download size


return location for the installed size


fn config( &self, key: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<GString, Error>

Get a global configuration option for the installation, see set_config_sync() for supported keys.


the name of the key to get


a gio::Cancellable


The (newly allocated) value, or None on error (G_KEY_FILE_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND error if key is not set)


fn current_installed_app( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<InstalledRef, Error>

Get the last build of reference name that was installed with InstallationExtManual::install(), or None if the reference has never been installed locally.


the name of the app


a gio::Cancellable


an InstalledRef


fn default_languages(&self) -> Result<Vec<GString>, Error>

Get the default languages used by the installation to decide which subpaths to install of locale extensions. This list may also be used by frontends like GNOME Software to decide which language-specific apps to display. An empty array means that all languages should be installed.


A possibly empty array of strings, or None on error.


fn default_locales(&self) -> Result<Vec<GString>, Error>

Like default_languages() but includes territory information (e.g. en_US rather than en) which may be included in the extra-languages configuration.

Strings returned by this function are in the format specified by setlocale(): language[_territory][.codeset][modifier].


A possibly empty array of locale strings, or None on error.


fn display_name(&self) -> Option<GString>

Returns the display name of the installation for self.

Note that this function may return None if the installation does not have a display name.


a string with the installation’s display name


fn id(&self) -> Option<GString>

Returns the ID of the installation for self.

The ID for the default system installation is “default”. The ID for the user installation is “user”.


a string with the installation’s ID


fn installed_ref( &self, kind: RefKind, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<InstalledRef, Error>


fn is_user(&self) -> bool

Returns whether the installation is for a user-specific location.


true if self is a per-user installation


fn min_free_space_bytes(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>

Returns the min-free-space config value from the OSTree repository of this installation.

Applications can use this value, together with information about the available disk space and the size of pending updates or installs, to estimate whether a pull operation will fail due to running out of disk space.


true on success, or false on error.


Location to store the result


fn is_no_interaction(&self) -> bool

Returns the value set with set_no_interaction().


true if interactive authorization dialogs are not allowed


fn path(&self) -> Option<File>

Returns the installation location for self.


an gio::File


fn priority(&self) -> i32

Returns the numeric priority of the installation for self.


an integer with the configured priority value


fn remote_by_name( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Remote, Error>

Looks up a remote by name.


a remote name


a gio::Cancellable


a Remote instance, or None with error set


fn storage_type(&self) -> StorageType

Returns the type of storage of the installation for self.


a StorageType


fn install_ref_file( &self, ref_file_data: &Bytes, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<RemoteRef, Error>

👎Deprecated: Since 1.7

This is an old deprecated function, you should use Transaction and TransactionExt::add_install_flatpakref() instead. It has a lot more interesting features.

Creates a remote based on the passed in .flatpakref file contents in ref_file_data and returns the RemoteRef that can be used to install it.

Note, the RemoteRef will not have the commit field set, or other details, to avoid unnecessary roundtrips. If you need that you have to resolve it explicitly with flatpak_installation_fetch_remote_ref_sync ().

§Deprecated since 1.7

Use TransactionExt::add_install_flatpakref() instead.


The ref file contents


a gio::Cancellable


a RemoteRef if the remote has been added successfully, None on error.


fn launch( &self, name: &str, arch: Option<&str>, branch: Option<&str>, commit: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Launch an installed application.

You can use flatpak_installation_get_installed_ref() or current_installed_app() to find out what builds are available, in order to get a value for commit.


name of the app to launch


which architecture to launch (default: current architecture)


which branch of the application (default: “master”)


the commit of branch to launch


a gio::Cancellable


true, unless an error occurred


fn list_installed_refs( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error>

Lists the installed references.


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of InstalledRef instances


fn list_installed_refs_by_kind( &self, kind: RefKind, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error>

Lists the installed references of a specific kind.


the kind of installation


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of InstalledRef instances


fn list_installed_refs_for_update( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error>

Lists the installed apps and runtimes that have an update available, either from the configured remote or locally available but not deployed (see TransactionExt::set_no_deploy()).

This also checks if any of InstalledRef has a missing RelatedRef (which has should-download set to true) or runtime. If so, it adds the ref to the returning [glib::PtrArray][crate::glib::PtrArray] to pull in the RelatedRef or runtime again via an update operation in Transaction.

In case more than one app needs an update of the same runtime or extension, this function will return all of those apps.


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of InstalledRef instances, or None on error

Lists all the locally installed refs that are related to ref_. These are things that are interesting to install, update, or uninstall together with ref_. For instance, locale data or debug information.

Note that while the related refs are usually installed from the same remote as ref_ (remote_name), it is possible they were installed from another remote.

This function is similar to flatpak_installation_list_remote_related_refs_sync, but instead of looking at what is available on the remote, it only looks at the locally installed refs. This is useful for instance when you’re looking for related refs to uninstall, or when you’re planning to use FLATPAK_UPDATE_FLAGS_NO_PULL to install previously pulled refs.


the name of the remote providing ref_


the ref


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of RelatedRef instances


fn list_pinned_refs( &self, arch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error>

Lists the installed references that are pinned, meaning they will not be returned by list_unused_refs() and won’t be removed unless explicitly specified for removal.

Refs appear here either because they have been pinned automatically by Flatpak or because the user pinned them; see flatpak-pin(1).


if non-None, the architecture of refs to collect


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of InstalledRef instances


fn list_remote_refs_sync( &self, remote_or_uri: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<RemoteRef>, Error>

Lists all the applications and runtimes in a remote.


the name or URI of the remote


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of RemoteRef instances


fn list_remote_refs_sync_full( &self, remote_or_uri: &str, flags: QueryFlags, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<RemoteRef>, Error>

Lists all the applications and runtimes in a remote.


the name or URI of the remote


set of QueryFlags


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of RemoteRef instances

Lists all the available refs on remote_name that are related to ref_, and which are appropriate for the installed version of ref_. For example if the installed version of org.videolan.VLC has a related ref of org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.bdj//3-19.08 and the remote version of VLC has a related ref of org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.bdj//3-20.08, this function will only return the 3-19.08 branch.

See also the related functions list_remote_related_refs_sync() and list_installed_related_refs_sync().

The returned list contains all available related refs, but not every one should always be installed. For example, RelatedRefExt::should_download() returns true if the reference should be installed/updated with the app, and RelatedRefExt::should_delete() returns true if it should be uninstalled with the main ref.

The commit property of each RelatedRef is not guaranteed to be non-None.


the name of the remote


the ref


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of RelatedRef instances

Lists all the available refs on remote_name that are related to ref_, and the subpaths to use. These are things that are interesting to install, update, or uninstall together with ref_. For instance, locale data or debug information.

The returned list contains all available related refs, but not every one should always be installed. For example, RelatedRefExt::should_download() returns true if the reference should be installed/updated with the app, and RelatedRefExt::should_delete() returns true if it should be uninstalled with the main ref.

The commit property of each RelatedRef is not guaranteed to be non-None.


the name of the remote


the ref


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of RelatedRef instances


fn list_remotes( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<Remote>, Error>

Lists the static remotes, in priority (highest first) order. For same priority, an earlier added remote comes before a later added one.


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of Remote instances


fn list_unused_refs( &self, arch: Option<&str>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<Vec<InstalledRef>, Error>

Lists the installed references that are not ‘used’.

A reference is used if it is either an application, or the runtime or sdk of a used ref, or an extension of a used ref. Pinned runtimes are also considered used; see flatpak-pin(1) and list_pinned_refs().


if non-None, the architecture of refs to collect


a gio::Cancellable


a GPtrArray of InstalledRef instances


fn load_app_overrides( &self, app_id: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<GString, Error>

Loads the metadata overrides file for an application.


an application id


a gio::Cancellable


the contents of the overrides files, or None if an error occurred


fn modify_remote( &self, remote: &impl IsA<Remote>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Saves changes in the remote object.


the modified Remote


a gio::Cancellable


true if the modifications have been committed successfully


fn prune_local_repo( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Remove all orphaned OSTree objects from the underlying OSTree repo in self.


a gio::Cancellable


true on success


fn remove_local_ref_sync( &self, remote_name: &str, ref_: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Remove the OSTree ref given by remote_name:ref_ from the local flatpak repository. The next time the underlying OSTree repo is pruned, objects which were attached to that ref will be removed. This is useful if you pulled a flatpak ref using InstallationExtManual::install_full() and specified InstallFlags::NO_DEPLOY but then decided not to deploy the ref later on and want to remove the local ref to prevent it from taking up disk space. Note that this will not remove the objects referred to by ref_ from the underlying OSTree repo, you should use prune_local_repo() to do that.


the name of the remote


the ref


a gio::Cancellable


true on success


fn remove_remote( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Removes the remote with the given name from the installation.


the name of the remote to remove


a gio::Cancellable


true if the remote has been removed successfully


fn run_triggers( &self, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Run the trigger commands to update the files exported by the apps in self. Should be used after one or more app install, upgrade or uninstall operations with the InstallFlags::NO_TRIGGERS, UpdateFlags::NO_TRIGGERS or UninstallFlags::NO_TRIGGERS flags set.


a gio::Cancellable


true on success


fn set_config_sync( &self, key: &str, value: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Set a global configuration option for the installation, currently the only supported keys are languages, which is a semicolon-separated list of language codes like "sv;en;pl", or "" to mean all languages, and extra-languages, which is a semicolon-separated list of locale identifiers like "en;en_DK;zh_HK.big5hkscs;uz_UZ.utf8cyrillic".


the name of the key to set


the new value, or None to unset


a gio::Cancellable


true if the option was set correctly


fn set_no_interaction(&self, no_interaction: bool)

This method can be used to prevent interactive authorization dialogs to appear for operations on self. This is useful for background operations that are not directly triggered by a user action.

By default, interaction is allowed.


Whether to disallow interactive authorization for operations


fn update_remote_sync( &self, name: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>> ) -> Result<(), Error>

Updates the local configuration of a remote repository by fetching the related information from the summary file in the remote OSTree repository and committing the changes to the local installation.


the name of the remote to update


a gio::Cancellable


true if the remote has been updated successfully

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
