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// This file was generated by gir (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir)
// from
// from gir-files (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir-files.git)
use glib::{
signal::{connect_raw, SignalHandlerId},
use std::{boxed::Box as Box_, fmt, mem::transmute};
glib::wrapper! {
/// [`BindingGroup`][crate::BindingGroup] manages to simplify the process of binding
/// many properties from a [`glib::Object`][crate::glib::Object] as a group. As such there is no API
/// to unbind a property from the group.
/// In particular, this allows you to change the source instance for the
/// bindings. This automatically causes the unbinding of the properties
/// from the old instance and binding to the new instance.
/// This should not be confused with `GtkBindingGroup`.
/// ## Properties
/// #### `source`
/// The source object used for binding properties.
/// Readable | Writeable
/// # Implements
/// [`trait@glib::ObjectExt`]
#[doc(alias = "DzlBindingGroup")]
pub struct BindingGroup(Object<ffi::DzlBindingGroup, ffi::DzlBindingGroupClass>);
match fn {
type_ => || ffi::dzl_binding_group_get_type(),
impl BindingGroup {
/// Creates a new [`BindingGroup`][crate::BindingGroup].
/// # Returns
/// a new [`BindingGroup`][crate::BindingGroup]
#[doc(alias = "dzl_binding_group_new")]
pub fn new() -> BindingGroup {
unsafe { from_glib_full(ffi::dzl_binding_group_new()) }
/// Creates a binding between `source_property` on the source object
/// and `target_property` on `target`. Whenever the `source_property`
/// is changed the `target_property` is updated using the same value.
/// The binding flags [`glib::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE`][crate::glib::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE] is automatically specified.
/// See: [`ObjectExt::bind_property()`][crate::glib::prelude::ObjectExt::bind_property()].
/// ## `source_property`
/// the property on the source to bind
/// ## `target`
/// the target [`glib::Object`][crate::glib::Object]
/// ## `target_property`
/// the property on `target` to bind
/// ## `flags`
/// the flags used to create the [`glib::Binding`][crate::glib::Binding]
#[doc(alias = "dzl_binding_group_bind")]
pub fn bind(
source_property: &str,
target: &impl IsA<glib::Object>,
target_property: &str,
flags: glib::BindingFlags,
) {
unsafe {
//#[doc(alias = "dzl_binding_group_bind_full")]
//pub fn bind_full(&self, source_property: &str, target: &impl IsA<glib::Object>, target_property: &str, flags: glib::BindingFlags, transform_to: Option<Box_<dyn Fn(&glib::Binding, &glib::Value, &glib::Value) -> bool + 'static>>, transform_from: Option<Box_<dyn Fn(&glib::Binding, &glib::Value, &glib::Value) -> bool + 'static>>) {
// unsafe { TODO: call ffi:dzl_binding_group_bind_full() }
/// Creates a binding between `source_property` on the source object and
/// `target_property` on `target`, allowing you to set the transformation
/// functions to be used by the binding. The binding flags
/// [`glib::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE`][crate::glib::BindingFlags::SYNC_CREATE] is automatically specified.
/// This function is the language bindings friendly version of
/// `dzl_binding_group_bind_property_full()`, using `GClosures`
/// instead of function pointers.
/// See: [`ObjectExt::bind_property_with_closures()`][crate::glib::prelude::ObjectExt::bind_property_with_closures()].
/// ## `source_property`
/// the property on the source to bind
/// ## `target`
/// the target [`glib::Object`][crate::glib::Object]
/// ## `target_property`
/// the property on `target` to bind
/// ## `flags`
/// the flags used to create the [`glib::Binding`][crate::glib::Binding]
/// ## `transform_to`
/// a [`glib::Closure`][crate::glib::Closure] wrapping the
/// transformation function from the source object to the `target`,
/// or [`None`] to use the default
/// ## `transform_from`
/// a [`glib::Closure`][crate::glib::Closure] wrapping the
/// transformation function from the `target` to the source object,
/// or [`None`] to use the default
#[doc(alias = "dzl_binding_group_bind_with_closures")]
pub fn bind_with_closures(
source_property: &str,
target: &impl IsA<glib::Object>,
target_property: &str,
flags: glib::BindingFlags,
transform_to: Option<&glib::Closure>,
transform_from: Option<&glib::Closure>,
) {
unsafe {
/// Gets the source object used for binding properties.
/// # Returns
/// the source object.
#[doc(alias = "dzl_binding_group_get_source")]
#[doc(alias = "get_source")]
pub fn source(&self) -> Option<glib::Object> {
unsafe { from_glib_none(ffi::dzl_binding_group_get_source(self.to_glib_none().0)) }
/// Sets `source` as the source object used for creating property
/// bindings. If there is already a source object all bindings from it
/// will be removed.
/// Note: All properties that have been bound must exist on `source`.
/// ## `source`
/// the source [`glib::Object`][crate::glib::Object]
#[doc(alias = "dzl_binding_group_set_source")]
pub fn set_source(&self, source: Option<&impl IsA<glib::Object>>) {
unsafe {
source.map(|p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
#[doc(alias = "source")]
pub fn connect_source_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId {
unsafe extern "C" fn notify_source_trampoline<F: Fn(&BindingGroup) + 'static>(
this: *mut ffi::DzlBindingGroup,
_param_spec: glib::ffi::gpointer,
f: glib::ffi::gpointer,
) {
let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);
unsafe {
let f: Box_<F> = Box_::new(f);
self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
b"notify::source\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
Some(transmute::<_, unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
notify_source_trampoline::<F> as *const (),
impl Default for BindingGroup {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for BindingGroup {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {